Jeffrey Weeter is Head of the Music Department, UCC. As a composer of works for emergent interactive technologies, he has been awarded Arts Council Bursary funding, as well as commissions through the SFI-funded Building Dashboards project and the Cork International Film Festival. He is co-investigator of the IRC-awarded collaborative interdisciplinary research project ‘Loop Love.’ He is founder and director of the CAVE performance ensemble, a laboratory of electronic performance utilising bespoke instruments of his own design. He has delivered talks and workshops at DubSpot (New York), SoundArts Studio (San Francisco); The International Computer Music Conference; Sound and Music Computing Conference; The International Festival for Innovations in Music Production & Composition (iFIMPaC); The Irish Sound, Science and Technology Association (ISSTA); The Association for Technology in Music Construction; Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the US (SEAMUS) conferences.

Jeffrey completed his BA (Hons) in Music Composition at Columbia College Chicago (USA). He subsequently undertook an MA and DM in Music Composition at Northwestern University (USA), investigating the dynamics of electronic music and interactive video interfaces through the development and application of emergent technologies. He developed his expertise in multimedia composition by composing and performing individually and in collaboration with other musicians, choreographers, filmmakers, performance art groups, and theatre producers. His work has been performed at MCA Chicago (USA); Constellation, Chicago (USA); New Music Festival at California State University, Fullerton (USA); Bowerbird Theatre, Philadelphia (USA); Kunsthaus Zurich (Switzerland); SonADA Festival of Sonic Art (UK); iF Istanbul Festival of Independent Film (Turkey); Centre National de la Dance, Paris (France); The Triskel Arts Centre, Cork (Ireland); The Old Stock Exchange Hall, Athens (Greece); University of Malaga (Spain). Concert, a collaboration for which Jeffrey was video director, was winner of the TG4 Gradam Ceoil Award for best collaboration in 2018. His video compositions in collaboration with DJ Kate Simko toured venues across the world in New York, Chicago, London, Berlin, Paris, Copenhagen, Mexico City, Tokyo, Sydney, and other cities. 

He moved to University College Cork to take up a Lecturer position in Music Composition in 2010. He teaches students across many programmes including BA/BMUS/BA International, BA in Theatre and Music, Hdip in Arts Music, and MA in Experimental Sound Practice. He is Coordinator of the BA, BMUS, and BA International degrees. To date he has supervised 8 PhDs (6 to completion) and has also supervised numerous summer, visiting and undergraduate students. He has acted as external examiner for the MSc in Music and Media Technologies at Trinity College Dublin.

Prior to joining the faculty of UCC, Jeffrey worked as an audio engineer for the industry-leading American talk show, the Oprah Winfrey Show. His work with the audio department won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Achievement in Live to Direct to Tape Sound Mixing in 2009. While in that role, Jeffrey developed a portable Skype kit that enabled field producers to transmit live broadcasts with a level of audio quality unparalleled at the time.

Jeffrey Weeter