Lustre Live - World Tour 2011

Lustre Live, live interactive video for 2011 international concert tour of Kate Simko

Kate Simko, music composition, Jeffrey Weeter, video art composition and computer programming

2011 Lustre Tour

Paris, France

Zurich, Switzerland

Copenhagen, Denmark

London, UK

Düsseldorf, Germany

Hamburg, Germany

Philadelphia, USA

New York City, USA

Detroit, USA

Chicago, USA

Mexico City, Mexico

Dublin, Ireland

Buenos Aires, Argentina

duration 1 hour.

This collaboration represented a breakthrough in live multimedia performance. The software allows an electronic musician to perform a live set along to a live HD film that re-edits itself in real-time in response to the musician’s performance all from one laptop. No new techniques needed to be learned by the musician who could focus on making the musical performance while the software provided accompanying visual material.

The Work

An unedited recording from a live performance at Fabric, London, UK.

Promotional Materials

Edits of the live material and copy used for promotion.


Links to related press articles.


List of performances and presentations.